Grow a Beard?! Why Not?!?
People call it a goatee while others
may refer to it as bush, whiskers, mustache fuzz, or for some they might
describe it as facial hair; all of which are synonymous to the notorious beard.
Yes the beard, a collection of hair that grows on the chin, upper lip, cheeks
and neck.
Men with facial hair have been ascribed
to both positive as well as negative interpretations. Pleasant remarks would
denote men with beard as masculine, higher wisdom, higher status and even
sexual virility while the downside of it, especially in modern times, is the
notion on lack of personal hygiene and loss of class and subtlety.
Whatever the interpretations are, I
always wonder what it feels like to grow a beard. My dad used to have one and didn't see him as untidy so why not try it. At first I was a bit skeptical
because I was used to having no beard and shaves on a daily basis. Basically,
everything falls on a trial basis maybe I can consider keeping the look, totally
committing to the whole facial hair stuff or have a change of heart. Either way
as long as I am happy then I don’t see any problem.
I admit that, in the past, I have a lot
of insecurities especially about how I look and what I want everybody to see me
as. In this social strata where there’s a need to impress others, one’s
physical qualities must be at par of other’s criteria so as they say; but not
for me. I believe that being you is more satisfying than altering one’s self
for other people.
REMEMBER: You have to create a track record of breaking your own mold, or
at least other people's idea of that mold.